Friday, September 19, 2008

Fuzzi Bunz giveaway!

Enter Now at An Ordinary Life blog. Just comment on her blog about what you like about cloth diapers and enter to win:

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Elliot Lucca Limited Edition Handbag giveaway!

In honor of Maternity Week at An Ordinary Life I am trying to win a gorgeous Elliott Lucca Limited Edition handbag. It's not your ordinary purse either, this bag also can function as a diaper bag! Maternity Week starts September 13th and there will be tons of great prizes. (Including another big surprise!)

This Elliott Lucca bag is valued at $368.00 and is Limited Edition ONLY! Giveaway ends Sept. 24th

Go here if you want to enter to win too!

Stretching My Bucks GIveaway

Stretching My Bucks Blog is having a Kiss My Face giveaway...two ways to win!

Here is the link:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another GREAT giveaway from Thrifty and Chic Mom!

Follow this link for a great giveaway! My daughter owns three of the bangles and they are not only beautiful, but safe for the baby to chew on and play with.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Hey, Frugal in Virginia is giving away free bread coupons!!! Copy and past the link below to enter today:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Who wants a flip phone? Another giveaway!

Here is another great giveaway...These flip camera's are awesome, espicially if you want to video blog!

Another Great Giveaway

The Barber Bunch blog is has a bunch of cool giveaways, check it out here!

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Hip Tee Giveaway

Thrifty and Chick mom is giving away a great product. It is used for that space between your tshirt and your jeans...check out this link and see what it's all about!